Re: livingston..

Rick Weldon (
Fri, 29 Sep 1995 08:15:36 -0400

Excerpts from Bugtraq: 28-Sep-95 No (3070*)

> Sorry for not providing a sample, but to be able to evaluate such a machine
> language and OS specific attack requires the same skills needed to generate
> it. In this case, if you could not create the attack then looking at a
> harmless sample would be of no benefit to you.

I know it is not your intent, but this is rather conceited. Reading
between the lines it says that the reader does not have the capacity for
learning. That the reader cannot understand that which you understand. I
contend that looking at a harmless example *would* be of much benefit to
all who read it regardless of the OS or architecture.  I'll bet that
others agree.

So let's see a harmless example!

| Rick Weldon  I-NET Inc.       |It is difficult to see a black cat in a dark|
| E-mail:  |room, especially when it is not there.      |
| Ma Bell: (703) 695-7411       |                -- Chinese Saying --        |
| DSN: 225-7411                 | or it is Schroedinger's cat...             |